Landscape Lighting

Your yard should have a nightlife! A critical component of landscape design, proper lighting showcases elegant beauty and lets your yard come alive after sunset while also enhancing the safety and security of your home.

About Lighting

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Enhance Curb Appeal

The best, most beautiful landscapes should never sleep. The design should consider how your landscape functions at night as much as when the sun shines. With strategically placed lighting, we’ll bring the outdoors to life while enhancing your home’s curb appeal and providing greater safety and security for your family.

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Lighting can illuminate walkways, spotlight plants and trees, highlight special features, and extend the usability of your yard. The key is knowing where and how to place lighting fixtures to accentuate your property and radiate elegance.

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Beautiful 24 Hours Per Day

We will work with you to establish how you want your yard to function and feel after the sun sets and what you want to highlight. We will make sure your landscape is beautiful every hour of the day — and night.

What Our Clients Say